Holly Dover

Miss Generation 2022 - Finalist's Profile

  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Country of origin
    United Kingdom
  • Country of current living
    United Kingdom
  • City of living
  • Education and current job
    Wrotham Secondary School Christ Church University Plus size model and Massage Therapist I also volunteer at the homeless shelter helping the homeless and vulnerable
  • Single / Married
  • Kids
  • Height (cm)
  • Hips (cm)
  • Waist (cm)
  • Chest (cm)

About yourself

I was born and breed in the UK but originaly have links to Portugal, Mauritius and Kenya. I live in Kent. I have a teenage daughter who is 14. My biggest acomplishment in life and the thing I am most proud of is being a parent although it is hard to juggle it all. My interests are music, reasturants, films, true crime, festivals, animals and swimming. I also love going to the beach as I find the waves very theraputic. I also really enjoy travelling to new places, exploring new cultures and meeting new people. I am very passionate about fighting for human rights and equality supporting the black lives matter movement as well as LGBTQ rights and Feminism. On a local scale I volunteer with the homeless as I am very passionate about helping others and giving your time. I believe myself to be outgoing and compassionate as well as ambitious and open minded.

Why you applied for Miss Generation beauty pageant ?

I applied because as a plus size women myself I want to represent other women like myself who are not always represented in fashion, beauty, social media, music videos and in particular beauty pageants. The pageant appealed to me as they were accepting of all women regardless of shape, size, age, race. I liked the Miss Generation ethos of seeing the beauty in all women. My body has changed greatly since having my daughter and getting older and I am hoping this will help me embrace the changes more as well as helping others to accept their body. If they see me doing it they might think well if she can I can and find some more comfidence within themselves also! I think as women it is so important not to compete but to support, encourage and uplift each other….together we can achieve so much more. My main reason for entering the pageant is to challenge the stereroypical beauty standard that we are constantly bombarded with. Many shops now have plus size ranges and even on the cat walk we are seeing more ‘normal’ bodies used. It is important to make these changes for all women especially young impresionable girls like my daughter. Statistics show there has been a soar in eating disorders in children as young as 8 and this is due to all the above. By running in this pageant I represent every women who never felt beautiful as she was and I am very proud to do so.

Interests. Plans for the future and your dreams ?

I would like to continue pursuing plus size modelling as it is something I really enjoy. I like the art side of it with seeing the creativity and a story conveyed through pictures. I also love helping normalise plus size models as mentioned above.
I would also like to do more to spread this message in terms of speaking to young girls about the negative impact of social media and our preception of how we should be. I am far from a professional but as someone who has always struggled with this I can speak from the heart.
I would also like to continue doing more charity work and volunteering. The last few years I have taken part in sleepout where we sleep on the street during the winter months to raise money for the homeless.
On a personal note just to be happy and healthy and for the same for my daughter and my family.


Holly Dover for Miss Audience Choice 2025

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