The Rules / Terms and Conditions
§ 1
- The Regulations of the Beauty Competition (hereinafter: “Regulations”) define the rules and manner of organization and conduct of the Beauty Competition Miss Generation (also Miss Generation) (hereinafter: “Competition”).
- The competition is organized by Awesomazable Ltd. / A-Models, registered in Companies House no. 10399151.
§ 2
- A-Models is the entity exclusively authorized to organize and produce the Competition, including the rights to the graphic designation of the Competition and use the names “Miss Generation”, “Miss Generation” for the purposes of organization of the Competition. The above rights of A-Models are not limited by third parties, including entities organizing national or international beauty contests.
- A-Models may entrust the organization of the entire Competition, its individual stages or parts to other entities, on terms regulated in separate agreements.
§ 3
- The Competition takes place in the following stages:
a) Online application;
b) Internal quarter finals;
c) Semi-finals
d) The final
- The semi-finals are preceded by groupings and preparatory sessions. The number of participants of national qualifications who gain the right to participate in the semi-finals is each time determined by A-Models.
- Preparatory groups precede the final. As part of the final, at least 3 winners and winners in each category are selected, who are awarded the titles of Miss Generation, UK Ageless Beauty and Princess of the Year.
- Winners receive title sashes in connection with the obtained titles. Miss Generation also receive a crown, which is required to be given to Miss Generation selected in the next edition of the Competition. Other titles and prizes, including prizes funded by third parties, may also be awarded as part of the Competition finals.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, A-Models has the right to select Competition participants qualified for each stage at their own discretion, even if they did not participate in any of the preceding stages of the Competition.
- Detailed dates for the various stages of the Competition are set out in a separate schedule. In the case of conducting individual stages of the Competition beyond the deadlines specified in the above-mentioned schedule, A-Models reserves the right not to allow participants in a given stage of the Contest to its subsequent stages.
- Participation in qualifications and groupings is at the participant’s own cost, unless A-Models decides otherwise.
- From the moment of entering the competition until the finalists are selected and separate contracts are signed, the candidates agree to be managed by A-Models during this period on an impresario basis and undertake to comply with the recommendations and orders.
- A-Models has the right to remove candidates from the Competition at any stage, who does not comply with the rules of the Competition, behaves improperly, is aggressive to other candidates and the team, conceals information about themselves which is important for the Competition, etc. A-Models stipulates that in the case of removing a candidate from the Competition, A-Models is not responsible for any costs incurred by the candidate in preparation for the Competition and does not refund the fees paid by the candidate.
§ 4
- The jury, in the composition specified for each of the stages by A-Models , or the entity indicated in § 2 para. 2, to whom such permission will be transferred by A-Models.
- The working time of the Jury and its verdict are set and determined by the chairman of the jury taking into account the content of the schedule referred to in § 3 para. 6. The chairman of the jury is selected from the jury on the terms set out by A-Models. If the jury’s verdict is not agreed within the time limit, the verdict is determined and made public by the chairman of the jury after consultation with A-Models.
§ 5
- The Competition is open to all candidates who meet the requirements set out in these Regulations.
- The Competition Participant must cumulatively meet the following requirements:
a) candidate must be a woman in age 25 – 55 years old
b) not participate in previous editions of the Miss Generation Competition at the final stage;
- Lack or loss of qualifications specified in paragraph 2 are the basis for excluding a participant from the Competition, depriving her of titles, awards or privileges related to participation in the Competition, and are also the basis for the liability of the Competition participant for damages.
- Competition participants are required to comply with these Regulations, including participation in preparatory groupings, as well as to conclude separate agreements regulating the detailed conditions of the participant’s participation in the Competition. The refusal to conclude the contract with A-Models referred to in the previous sentence is tantamount to exclusion of the participant from the Competition.
- Competition winners, quarter finals, semi-finals and finals participants may not participate in other beauty contests without the consent of A-Models. Violation of this obligation is the basis for excluding the participant from the Competition and for depriving her of the titles, awards and privileges associated with participation in the Competition.
- Contest Participants bear their own costs of participation in the Contest as regards participation in preparatory groupings referred to in § 3 para. 5 and 6, and in the semi-final and final stages, the Competition participants shall bear their own costs of travel.
§ 6
- These Regulations may be changed at any time without giving reasons.
- The Competition may be cancelled at any time without giving a reason, which does not give rise to any claims on the part of the Competition participants or any other entities.
- The decisions of A-Models or the jury referred to in § 4 may not be appealed.
- The Competition may end with not selecting the winner of the title of Miss Generation, as well as other winners referred to in § 3.
- In matters not provided for in these Regulations or in the event of doubts as to the content or interpretation of these Regulations, all decisions shall be made by A-Models, which may not be appealed.