Finalists Portfolio

Finalist's Portfolio Form

Welcome, esteemed finalist of the Miss Generation 2025 competition.

Please fill out the form below as accurately as possible. All the information is necessary for us to create your profile on our website, and the measurements are needed for the purchase of some of your outfits.

We kindly ask you to fill everything out as thoroughly as possible (photos are not mandatory, unless you wish to send any additional ones other than those submitted during registration).

    Contact and personal information

    First name:

    Middle name:

    Last Name:




    Date of birth (day/month/year):

    Married / Relationship status:


    Education and current job:

    Hair colour:

    Eyes colour:


    Do you have other Nationality or Heritage ?:

    Country of origin:

    Country of current living:

    City of current living and Post Code:

    Facebook (e.i.: @pawelawesomazable (not Pawel Majewski because there can be many with that name)):

    Instagram: (e.i.: @pawelawesomazable (not Pawel Majewski because there can be many with that name))

    TikTok: (e.i.: @pawelawesomazable (not Pawel Majewski because there can be many with that name))

    Measurements: (Absolutely all measurements must be given in the units we require, i.e. cm must be centimeters not ft., UK shoe size, not EU, etc.) DEAR LADIES, WE DON'T LIE ABOUT SIZES OR THERE WILL BE PROBLEMS 🙂

    Write us something about yourself

    Why you applied for Miss Generation beauty pageant ?

    Interests. Plans for the future and your dreams ?

    This part is strictly confidencial !!! Anything other that you would like to tell us like: persistent diseases, threats, something we should know. Of course, all this remains our secret.

    Media Upload